Sunday, 4 July 2021

Vampire psychtherapy

Me and four unspecific friends were on a car trip, driving through a big forest, when a powerful vampire  flew in picked up our car and kidnapped us into his vampire mansion.

It was middle of the day and the mansion was actually a nice, bright and pleasant place among trees.

He welcomed us and explained the rules; he's dividing us into two groups and will be hanging out with each group. He will then judge which group was more entertaining as guests and with whom he had better time. They will live longer. But not much longer, as ultimately he intends to drink blood and kill all of us.

One group had three of my friends, the other one was me and one more guy. We hoped that while the vampire is with us two, the other three are trying to escape. We sure did in the times when the vampire left us alone. But for all the running in the forest we couldn't get far enough and the vampire would always fly in, pick us up and put us back in the mansion.

So I asked the vampire why is he treating his victims like that and he explained that he's horribly lonely and bored. He's so powerful that he warps reality with his very thoughts, he no longer fears sunlight and hunting is no challenge for him. In fact, he's falling into solipsism, he thinks that his is the only real mind and all the other people are only figments of his imagination. I said that this is my dream and so I feel the same about him.

And so we chatted while also both of us casually playing with our reality warping powers, levitating, changing the scenery, morphing things into animals and so on. I tried to help him with some amateur therapy. Maybe just listening to people and thinking about their lives and perspective rather than seeing them as purely food and entertainment. I suggested that maybe he doesn't believe his prey are real people but maybe creating other vampires and having a healthy hunting competition and some challenge to his power would enable him feel someone else as a real person and have a meaningful connection. As for me become a vampire, we had both mixed feelings - he didn't want to be manipulated into such a serious decision, I didn't want to hunt and drink the blood of my friends. We went on to discuss his relationship with his senior vampire and whether or not, all those hundreds of years ago, she was overprotective. We discussed the possibility that sheltered vampire upbringing might have been the reason for his lack of connection with the world. We also tried to find the name for his approach among DMS classified mental conditions and personality disorders but nothing came to mind.

As it happens with dreams, I didn't dream of any closure or satisfying ending.

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